Monday, May 9, 2011


Top Resume Tips

Save your resume as a PDF.  Go to and download the free program.  Then once your resume is written, click print and choose “Cute PDF” as your printer and it will save to your computer.  Magic. 

Keep fonts easy to read – size wise and font choice wise. 

Use spell check – PLEASE use spell check.  Grammar-check everything too – if you’re not good at this, call your old English teacher.  You think I’m kidding – mine happens to be my mother-in-law J, but all are open to helping.  If not, ask your book-smart friend.  You have at least one. 

Tell the truth.  You can get creative and make yourself sound fancy, but please don’t lie.  It will bite you in the booty.

In my opinion your resume should not exceed one page unless you are going for some serious corporate gig and you are 50 years old and have a wealth of experience.  Otherwise, keep it short and sweet.

Have a great format – it needs to look pretty people – look like you care. 

Use good verbs – instead of saying
“Created goal program.” Say
“Saw a need for incentives with associates and developed a rewards program to encourage sales growth, resulting in x% increase.” – doesn’t that sound better?

If you want to make $30/hour, your resume needs to sound like you deserve it language-wise. 
Ex: instead of saying “Seeking an entry level position at beauty counter.” In your objective say something like
“Seeking a makeup artist/skincare specialist (whatever is your gig) position utilizing my experience, dedication and love of teamwork”. 

Target your audience – you may need one resume for makeup work and another for skincare.  I will tell you that if you’re a makeup artist, generally speaking, no one cares about how many videos you’ve done.  They want to know if you can sell, so have a separate editorial resume. 

Be careful with color.  I vote for black and white only, but if you use color it better look good. 

If you don’t have experience in the area of work you want, get some – do shoots for prints, intern at companies you like, etc.